Archive for August, 2017


When Can You Start Showing Off Those New Arms and Workout?

Brachioplasty, Non-surgical Treatments and Exercises

For a large amount of people, it doesn’t matter how often they work out, how many calories they count, or how many times they wish away fat. There are simply parts of their body that don’t budge. One body part that many people have problems changing despite much effort is the under portion of the upper arm. Because of this, a lot of people choose to undergo either am arm lift (brachioplasty), or a non-surgical treatment, such as, the Vanquish ME™ or BTL Exilis Ultra™, great for those who have a small amount of underarm fat. Whereas brachioplasty removes underarm fat permanently, the Vanquish ME will help reduce your arm fat, and BTL Exilis Ultra treatments tighten the skin for the reshaping of targeted fat deposits, but to a lesser amount than brachiopasty. (more…)

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