Archive for January, 2016


Is A Mommy Makeover For Me?

Mommy-Makeover-Boston You have embraced motherhood with open arms, but the rest of your body has not. If you have breast fed your little ones, you breasts may be deflated or sagging and your stomach, as much as you stick to your healthy diet and grueling 5 a.m. work outs, has not returned you to your pre-pregnancy form. You may even be embarrassed by your “new” body and less confident in your life. But what can you do? You may be a perfect candidate for a Mommy Makeover. (more…)

Best Tips for Breast Augmentation Patients

What breast augmentation patients should knowPlanning for breast augmentation is an exciting time. You are probably anxiously awaiting your surgery and looking forward to your results. As part of your preparation for surgery, read the following tips from Dr. William LoVerme. Many of these tips are from former patients. If you have questions about any of this information, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. LoVerme by calling (877) 603-7874. (more…)

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