
When Can You Start Showing Off Those New Arms and Workout?

Brachioplasty, Non-surgical Treatments and Exercises

For a large amount of people, it doesn’t matter how often they work out, how many calories they count, or how many times they wish away fat. There are simply parts of their body that don’t budge. One body part that many people have problems changing despite much effort is the under portion of the upper arm. Because of this, a lot of people choose to undergo either am arm lift (brachioplasty), or a non-surgical treatment, such as, the Vanquish ME™ or BTL Exilis Ultra™, great for those who have a small amount of underarm fat. Whereas brachioplasty removes underarm fat permanently, the Vanquish ME will help reduce your arm fat, and BTL Exilis Ultra treatments tighten the skin for the reshaping of targeted fat deposits, but to a lesser amount than brachiopasty.

We understand that you may be eager to begin exercising after your surgery or treatment, however it is very important to be patient with your body and pace yourself before you begin exercising again. By allowing your body to recover properly before you begin an exercise regimen, you can greatly reduce the risk of injury or complications.

A brisk walk around your neighborhood or the mall is a wonderful way to introduce exercise back into your daily routine. Walking and jogging can usually begin two weeks post-surgery. Make sure you listen to your body and if you feel yourself getting tired, sit down and take a break. You don’t want to push your body before its ready.

For a more vigorous exercise like running, you should wait between four and six weeks post procedure. Since running requires the pumping of your arms, you really don’t want to risk pain or injury by starting too soon after your procedure. As with walking, when you start to feel tired or if you feel any pain, take a break and let your body rest. If you can’t wait to get back to weightlifting or yoga, which require a lot more exertion from your arms, it is best to wait until your arms are completely healed. This normally takes four to six weeks post-surgery, but always check with us before heading back to the weight rack or yoga studio.

It can be very tempting to see how wonderful your arms look and want to show them off or put them to use right away, but for optimal healing and reduced risk of injury, it’s important to be patient and let your body heal before you hit the weights!

If you have been self-conscious about your arms and no amount of diet or exercise has helped you achieve the toned and smooth arms you’re seeking, call our office today to inquire about brachioplasty and other non-surgical treatments offered. It may be the solution you’ve been searching for!


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