Archive for March, 2016


Dr. LoVerme American Institute of Plastic Surgeons’ 10 Best in Massachusetts – Client Satisfaction

The American Institute of Plastic Surgeons has recognized the exceptional performance of Massachusetts’s Plastic Surgeon William LoVerme, MD, FACS as 2015 10 Best Plastic Surgeons for Client Satisfaction.

The American Institute of Plastic Surgeons is a third-party rating organization that publishes an annual list of the Top 10 Plastic Surgeon in each state. Surgeons who are selected to the “10 Best” list must pass American Institute of Plastic Surgeons’ rigorous selection process, which is based on patient and/or peer nominations, thorough research, and American Institute of Plastic Surgeons’ independent evaluation.  American Institute of Plastic Surgeons’ annual list was created to be used as a resource for patients during the surgeon selection process. (more…)

Want to get rid of your double chin? chins are often a natural result of aging, genetics and/or gaining weight. If you’d like to reduce your submental fullness, there are several things you can do on your own. Getting the right haircut, doing chin exercises, having good posture and losing weight are changes you can start to make right away to make your chin fat look better. Sometimes no matter how much you diet or exercise your chin fold may not go away and make you look older. When those home remedies do not give you the desired effect, there is KYBELLA™, the new fat injection which quickly melts away your double chin. (more…)

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