Archive for March, 2014


Weighted Vests May Give That Extra Boost to Help You Lose Weight

Photo Courtesy Extra Edge

Photo Courtesy Extra Edge

Most of us think that if we walk an extra mile or eat a little bit less that we are one step closer to our weight loss goal. This may be true to a certain extent, but we also must consider the portions of food we eat, as well as the amount of unhealthy food in our diet. Taking the initiative to walk that extra mile is a step in the right direction, but you may not be able to burn as much calories as you wish to. Well now there is hope. A new study shows that wearing a weighted vest while exercising can help burn up to 12 percent more calories.

According to the study conducted by the American Council on Exercise, research showed that a subject wore a vest of up to 15 percent of body weight while walking on a flat surface, the subject was able to effectively increase their caloric burn after a 16-minute workout. Walking fast, running or walking on an incline may not be suitable for some men and women due to a sedentary lifestyle, which hinders weight loss efficiency. A weighted vest can be a simple solution to help boost intensity of a normal workout without requiring speed or high inclines during a walk or normal exercise routine.

However, the subjects studied consisted of 13 women who were not affected by any prior injury or health issue, which allowed them to use the weighted vest without abrasive impact. Researchers said that this type of equipment is a great tool to use, but only if the subject was healthy and did not have any prior hip, knee, or ankle injuries. Otherwise the extra weight could cause potential harm to injury prone areas, especially on the knees as the weighted vest increases impact during walking, up to four fold.

While the added resistance of a weighted vest increases the intensity of your workout, it is important to consider your current condition and if your body is ready for intensive weighted workouts. The increased weight may be beneficial for less strenuous exercises, but the user should only commit to using the device with their physician’s approval.

After you have completed your exercise program and dropped the pounds you have been hoping to lose, you may still see pockets of fat that the weighted vest cannot eliminate. You have worked to drop those extra pounds of fat, but certain areas of the body cannot be targeted with healthy diet and exercise. If you feel that your healthy lifestyle has you falling shy of your weight loss goal then liposuction may be the best option for you to eliminate those last 15 pounds.

Hitting the gym for double the hours and not seeing any results is not a motivating feeling whatsoever. Try wearing a weighted vest if your body is healthy enough, and you can possibly burn up to 12 percent more calories on your next walk. If you hit the hiking trails with your vest and you still have those last few pounds of fat, then schedule a consultation with Dr. LoVerme and find out what he can do to help you achieve your weight loss goal.

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