Breast Surgery


Silicone Breast Implants Now Available
Cosmetic Breast Surgery

For a woman who, for personal reasons, feels her breast size is too small, too large or not contoured enough, cosmetic breast surgery can be the answer. With a breast augmentation, Dr. LoVerme inserts an implant filled with cohesive gel or saline (salt) solution to improve the contour and increase the size of the breast. He performs this operation customized to the patient. He places implants both above and below the muscle. Incisions are made below the breast, around the areola and occasionally in the axillary region. Your initial consultation usually takes one hour or more. A determination of the size and shape of the implant will be made based on what you prefer after reviewing all of the options with Dr. LoVerme and his nurse.

For women who desire smaller breasts, Dr. LoVerme can reduce the size of the breast through the removal of fatty tissue, then reshape the smaller breast. Also often included in breast surgery is the breast lift. This procedure removes excess skin from the lower part of the breast to raise sagging breasts, thus reshaping and lifting the breast for a more complementary figure.

To learn more about the breast surgery procedures that Accurate Aesthetics offers, please visit one of the links below:

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