Archive for December, 2013


Three Simple Exercises for Toned Arms after an Arm Lift

Perhaps the biggest trend in cosmetic surgery this year has been seen in the boost in statistics for arm lifts, known as brachioplasty. An arm lift reshapes and contours the upper arms to feel smoother, while complementing a proportionally slim figure. By reducing excess skin and fat between the underarm and elbow, both arms appear tightened and youthful. Though many of us wonder if we can maintain the toned look long after the procedure. The short answer is yes, it is possible. Following a well balanced diet and exercise will keep the fat away, and continue to make the arms appear normal in size. Today we will talk about how to help maintain your results after making a full recovery from your arm lift.

1. Overhead Tricep Extension

We know our time is precious and we do not have enough time to make it to the gym everyday, so with a chair or a bench and dumbbells or weighted bags you can get in a quick workout for the back of your arms.

Sit straight up with your feet planted, grasp a single dumbbell or two and raise them above your head. Bend the elbows slowly, lowering the weight behind your head until it is a 90-degree angle. Slowly straighten the arms to the original position above your head and repeat for 15 to 20 repetitions. Add on more weight slowly, or do more reps for increased toning.

2. Triceps Press Up

If you do not have access to dumbbells, simply lie on your stomach and push back. Similar to a push up, you can lie face down on a mat or floor with both hands beside your chest. Keep the elbows tight to the ribs and press up slowly using the triceps for support. Continue for 20 reps or more depending on your skill level.

3. Alternating Hammer Curls

With dumbbells or weighted bags you can do this exercise to sculpt lean arms. Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a weight in each hand. Curl one arm straight up with your palm facing in towards your body. Lower the arm and do the same motion with the opposite hand. Keep count of each rep and repeat 15 to 20 times on each arm.

These exercises can be alternated or completed everyday throughout the week for as long as you can continue. The key to toned arms is consistency, the more effort put into it, is the more noticeable results you will achieve.

According to Medical News Today, exercise can strengthen and improve muscle tone of the upper arm, but it cannot treat excess skin that has lost elasticity in the arm. The arm lift procedure can correct the weakened tissues and fat deposits.

For more information about continued success after your procedure ask your board-certified plastic surgeon about maintaining slim and toned arms. He will guide you in the right direction for long lasting results.

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