Archive for August, 2014


When Can I Return to Normal Activities After Breast Augmentation?

Boston Breast Augmentation

Millions of women contemplate undergoing breast augmentation to rejuvenate the shape, size and volume of their breasts. Many of them are worried about how the recovery process will affect their lives in the days after the procedure. Women may feel they have gained a new lease on life after changing their figure for the better body they have always dreamed of. However, after breast augmentation a patient’s body is required to go through a small downtime period to allow proper rest and healing.

Breast augmentation, or mammoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes the breast for a fuller and firmer appearance to complement a woman’s feminine figure. Silicone or saline breast implants can be utilized to add projection and enhance the appearance of the patient’s breasts when they appear to have lost volume or have never grown to the ideal size. Often times, your breast augmentation surgeon will review the breast surgery process with the patient, which should include recovery following the procedure.

What is expected during Recovery?

Every patient will undergo a unique breast augmentation plan that revolves around their ideal goals. While many patients find it hard to believe, their body does not immediately snap back to full flexibility. During the first few days after breast augmentation aches and pains will be experienced occasionally, but diminish over the course of recovery. Swelling and redness can also occur, but will deplete over time. After the first three days patients are able to return back to work or light activity that does not require straining the upper body with heavy lifting or raising their arms above the head.

Returning to Normal Activities

Every patient is different and some may require more time off strenuous activity than others, but every patient should follow their plastic surgeon’s instructions closely to avoid any discomfort or unfavorable healing. Truly, it is high-impact activity, such as jogging, weight training, lifting heavy items or chest exercises that should be avoided or limited for up to six weeks after breast augmentation. As time goes on, strength in your upper body will recover and your doctor will determine how well the body has responded to the recovery period.

According to a recent study from Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the overall satisfaction rate of breast augmentation patients following breast surgery was recorded at 98 percent. In terms of pain experienced during recovery, on a 10-point scale, women reported an average score of only 5.9. Overall, patients were back to their normal selves after about 25 days after breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation Boston

We recognize that everyone has a busy lifestyle, but as long as you take things slow for the first few days after your breast augmentation surgery, you will be able to bounce back to your normal self and reap the benefits of a beautiful silhouette. The physical demands of your body will return to full strength over the next month and you will be able to get back to doing all the physical activities you love most. If you are ready to meet with the most trusted breast augmentation surgeon Boston, Wellesley and Sudbury patients rely on then contact our breast surgeon’s office at (877) 603-7874.


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