Archive for June, 2015


Why Labiaplasty Is Becoming More Popular

Labiaplasty procedures on the rise

Last year, labiaplasty experienced a dramatic rise in popularity. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, labiaplasty procedures increased by 44 percent from 2013. The number of surgeons offering the procedure rose as well.

In this post, Dr. William LoVerme, the Boston plastic surgeon at Accurate Aesthetics, explains the reasons why labiaplasty is becoming more common amongst his female plastic surgery patients.

Improves Self-Confidence and Quality of Life

Women with enlarged, elongated, unusually shaped or asymmetrical labia (the folds of skin outside the vagina) may suffer from low self-confidence. They might feel insecure or withdrawn, or experience depression or anxiety. They might refrain from certain activities like swimming or exercising and avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing.

Since the size and shape of a woman’s labia are usually determined by genetic factors, many of Dr. LoVerme’s patients feel self-conscious of their labia from the time they are teenagers (or even adolescents). Other women notice an unwanted cosmetic change in their labia over time, after pregnancy, childbirth or weight fluctuation, and gradually become more dissatisfied.

By improving the appearance of the labia, Dr. LoVerme’s patients enjoy a more classically feminine looking labia and improved confidence. Their anxious or depressed feelings resolve. Their wardrobe options expand, their activity level increases and their quality of life skyrockets.

Eliminates Physical Discomfort

Oversized, elongated or asymmetrical labia can cause physical discomfort, too. The labia may rub uncomfortably against tight-fitting clothing, chafe or become irritated. Sex may be painful due to the size or shape of the labia.

By removing excess labial tissue, the procedure alleviates pain and discomfort. Many women find that they are more comfortable exercising, riding a bike and playing sports.

Boosts Libido

A woman’s libido can be severely affected by dissatisfaction with her labia. She may experience physical discomfort or pain during sex, and therefore avoid it. Or, she may feel so self-conscious of her labia’s appearance that she has no desire for sexual intimacy.

Improving the size and shape of the labia is often associated with a boost in libido. Physically, sex becomes more enjoyable and desirable, and psychologically, it is a more pleasurable experience.

Learn More about Labiaplasty

If the size or shape of your labia is causing you physical or psychological discomfort, Dr. LoVerme can help. He encourages you to explore his website to learn more about the labiaplasty procedure, and to schedule a consultation with him at Accurate Aesthetics to discuss further. Contact us today at (877) 603-7874 to make an appointment.

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