Archive for February, 2015


How to Prepare for Your Day of Surgery

stk212534rkeAs your day of surgery nears, you most likely have many thoughts running through your head. It is likely that you feel excited, a bit nervous and perhaps anxious about how to prepare for your surgery day. To help you relax and make sure you have everything taken care of, Dr. William E. LoVerme discusses the things you should do in the weeks and days leading up to your plastic surgery procedure of choice.

Take Care of Medical Requirements

In the weeks leading up to your procedure, you should undergo any routine blood tests that Dr. LoVerme has requested. In addition, about a week prior to your surgery day, you should fill any prescription medications, including pain relievers and / or antibiotics, that Dr. LoVerme has written for you.

Get Your House Ready

When you return home after your cosmetic surgery procedure, you will likely be groggy from the anesthesia and should get as much sleep as possible during the first couple of days after your procedure. That is why it is important to prepare your house (or the place where you will recover) before your surgery day.

  • Place plastic sheeting over your bed and couch if you anticipate having fluid drainage (as is typically the case with body contouring procedures).
  • Set aside loose-fitting, comfortable clothes to wear. You might want to wear button-down shirts instead of something you pull over your head, especially if you undergo a breast procedure that initially limits your arms’ range of motion.
  • Make sure you have anything you might need while recuperating — for instance, your medications, ice packs, pillows, blankets, magazines and the television remote control — close by where you can access them easily.
  • Stock your refrigerator with healthy, unprocessed foods that are easy to eat and digest, such as hearty soups, as well as plenty of fluids. Try to stay away from foods and beverages that are high in sodium and sugar. Following a healthy diet and staying hydrated are vital to the healing process.

Make Post-Operative Arrangements

You should expect to take anywhere from three days to two weeks off from work or your normal routine, depending on which procedure you have had. During the initial phase of recovery, you should rest as much as possible and avoid strenuous activity, including heavy lifting. With this in mind, arrange:

  • For the necessary time off work
  • To have a responsible adult drop you off at and pick you up from the surgery center, and to stay with you for at least the first 24 hours following surgery
  • To have help with the kids, if you have children

Practice Healthy Habits

To help prepare your body for surgery so it heals well and as quickly as possible, it is crucial that you eat healthy, well-balanced meals, stay hydrated and stop smoking (if you smoke). Smoking robs your blood of oxygen, which is essential for cell repair, and introduces toxic chemicals into your bloodstream. It also constricts the blood vessels, making it difficult for them to deliver nutrient-rich blood to the healing tissues.

Smoking in the weeks before and after surgery can lead to serious complications, including the reopening of your wounds. You will need to stop smoking at least two to four weeks before and after your procedure; although you might consider using this time as an opportunity to quit smoking altogether.

Learn More

Dr. LoVerme and the team at Accurate Aesthetics will give you comprehensive instructions regarding pre- and post-operative care. Following their instructions closely will help your body heal as quickly as possible and will help you achieve the surgical results you desire. If you have any questions about preparing for your surgery day or if you would like to learn more, feel free to contact us by calling (877) 603-7874.

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