Archive for May, 2014


Stress Management Tips to Shed Pounds before a Tummy Tuck


While most Boston patients feel the urge to maintain a flat belly, they are likely to face one of the many obstacles that prevent a slim body – stress. Stressful situations can occur at any time, whether it is work-related, relationship problems, a traumatic experience or signs of depression it can result in a flabby belly contour if not addressed properly. Stress often times forces people to indulge in emotional eating or binge eating and is likely to derail a person’s weight loss efforts.

Plenty of female patients are interested in having a tummy tuck before the summer starts. Like most patients do, they follow strict diets and healthy lifestyles to match their body contouring but many fail to pay attention to their psychological habits beforehand. A consultation will help determine how well tummy tuck patients deal with stressful situations that are bound to occur after they have a flatter belly, so to help women here are a few stress management habits to practice during weight loss and following tummy tuck surgery:

  • Deep breathing

  • Organization

  • Indulge in hobbies

  • Turn to help

  • Laughter

  • Exercise

Take some time to explore the best stress relievers for your personality and lifestyle. These techniques have proven to relieve stress during clinical tests in the past and therefore hold your weight loss efforts intact.

Body fat and waistlines increase when the body is stressed out, regardless of what you may be eating. According to a study from the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, due to higher levels of stress and excess pressure, women cannot metabolize high fat and high sugar diets efficiently. Researchers tracked two groups of women who consumed the same unhealthy diet and found that higher levels of fat, weight and waist circumference were associated with women who were stressed-out from work-related issues as opposed to those who were not stressed at all.

Figuring out which stress relievers work best for you is the key to consistently shed pounds. Weight loss efforts will not go to waste when you keep stress out of the picture and you follow your weight loss program closely, your belly will continue to shrink. After you have reached your goal, schedule a consultation for a tummy tuck to remove lingering skin and belly fat that does not respond to exercise or diet.

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