

Serving Boston, Wellesley & Sudbury Patients

Liposuction in BostonBoston liposuction expert Dr. William E. LoVerme is sensitive to the difficulty that many adults have eliminating localized pockets of fat from different areas of the body. Often, an individual can be at or marginally above his or her ideal bodyweight and still have stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to a healthy diet and exercise routine. For individuals in Boston, Wellesley and Sudbury who live a healthy lifestyle yet are still plagued with pesky “problem areas,” liposuction surgery may be the answer.


What Liposuction Addresses

For adults who are at their ideal body weight, or just slightly above it, liposuction is an effective means of removing unwanted subcutaneous fat (i.e., fat located underneath the skin). Liposuction can be performed on almost any area of the body. It is commonly used to treat the abdomen, back, flanks (“love handles”), knees, hips, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, chest, neck and chin.

What Liposuction Does Not Improve

Liposuction is designed to fine tune, or sculpt, certain areas of the body that are unresponsive to diet and exercise efforts. It is not a tool for major weight loss. This is true for several reasons, including the fact that removing too much fat at one time can lead to loose excess skin and even serious surgical complications.

Also, although the fat cells that are eliminated with liposuction will not be regenerated, the remaining fat cells can grow larger with moderate weight gain. If the patient gains a significant amount of weight following liposuction (about 10 percent or more of the person’s bodyweight), new fat cells can be produced both within and outside the treatment area. This is why suitable candidates for liposuction are at or within about 15 pounds of their optimal weight, and feel comfortable maintaining that weight following the procedure.

In addition, liposuction is intended for patients with sound skin health, including good skin elasticity. Liposuction cannot restore skin elasticity. Thus, for patients with sagging skin that has lost its elastic quality, a more extensive body contouring procedure, such as body lift surgery, might be a more suitable treatment option.

Boston Liposuction SurgeryLiposuction Candidacy

With this information in mind, suitable liposuction candidates generally include adults who:

  • Are at or marginally above their ideal bodyweight, and are confident they can maintain that weight after the procedure
  • Are frustrated with localized pockets of fat that are resistant to healthy lifestyle practices
  • Have good skin elasticity
  • Are in sound physical and mental health
  • Have realistic expectations for what can be achieved with liposuction
  • Seek aesthetic improvement, not perfection
  • Have a positive self-image in general but are bothered by certain problem areas
  • Have made an independent decision to pursue liposuction surgery

Liposuction Techniques

At Accurate Aesthetics, we offer several types of liposuction. During the consultation, Dr. LoVerme reviews each person’s medical and surgical history, evaluates the person’s skin health and listens to his or her aesthetic concerns. Based on the information gathered, including how many areas of the body will be treated during surgery, he suggests the technique he feels will best satisfy the patient’s specific anatomical requirements and surgical goals.

The Boston liposuction plastic surgeon has extensive experience performing the following liposuction techniques:

  • Traditional liposuction (tumescent liposuction) surgery, which involves the use of a vacuuming, or suctioning, action to facilitate the removal of fat from beneath the skin’s surface
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), which involves the use of ultrasound energy to liquefy fat cells before easily removing them
  • Power-assisted liposuction (PAL), which involves the use of a vibrating cannula (a thin, hollow tube used to remove fat) for easier fat removal
  • Dr. LoVerme has not found the use of laser liposuction to be beneficial to his patients, given that the other methods can provide the same results and minimal healing process.

The Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, under general anesthesia. Again, certain patients might be appropriate candidates for laser liposuction performed with the use of local anesthesia and IV sedation. Rarely, Dr. LoVerme requires that patients stay overnight at a medical facility, especially if they are having many areas of the body treated at one time, or if a considerable volume of fat is being eliminated.

Liposuction can be performed alone or in conjunction with another surgical procedure, such as abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck” surgery), breast reduction or breast augmentation surgery.

To start liposuction surgery, Dr. LoVerme makes a number of small incisions in the treatment area(s). He strategically positions the incisions in regions of the body that are easily concealed by the natural contours of the body or by clothes.

The plastic surgeon always injects a tumescent solution into the area to be treated to minimize blood loss and bruising. (The tumescent solution is comprised of sterile saltwater, the anesthetic lidocaine and epinephrine.) He then inserts a cannula through the incision and suctions out the excess fat. With ultrasonic liposuction, another step is utilized to “dissolve” the fat prior to removing it. Often, sutures are not needed to close the very short incisions. If they are needed for some reason, the surgeon uses dissolvable sutures. He dresses the treatment area with bandages and an overlying compression garment.

The Liposuction Recovery Period

Postoperative liposuction patients should expect to take about three to five days off from work or their everyday routine. During this initial phase of the recovery period, individuals should get plenty of rest and abstain from engaging in strenuous activity, including exercise.

Patients may notice that the treatment area is bruised, swollen, numb or sore, but these symptoms are normal and will gradually subside. It is crucial for patients to wear a compression garment over the treatment area for several weeks, as directed by Dr. LoVerme. This minimizes swelling and provides added support to the tissues while they heal.

Although some of the aesthetic benefits of liposuction are visible immediately, it takes about six months for the final outcome to become apparent, as this is how long it takes for the body to heal completely and for any residual swelling to improve.

During the follow-up visits to Accurate Aesthetics, Dr. LoVerme assesses the progress of his patients’ recovery and lets them know when they can safely resume their usual activities, including their fitness regimen.

The Cost of Liposuction

Typically liposuction prices at Accurate Aesthetics Plastic Surgery range from $4,000 to $10,000. This includes all facility and anesthesia fees as needed. It also includes a garment that you will need after surgery. Costs vary so much because of the amount of surgery needed, the total number of areas that need to be operated on, and whether it is at the hospital or our certified in office operating suite. You will receive a personalized quote at the time of your consultation. Consultation fee is deducted from the cost of surgery.

Learn More About Lipo

If you lead a healthy lifestyle but are plagued by stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to your diet and fitness efforts, you might be a suitable candidate for liposuction surgery. With liposuction, you can finally achieve the fit figure you deserve. Take the next step and learn more about lipo by scheduling a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon.

To schedule a private consultation with Dr. LoVerme to find out more about how liposuction can help you achieve your dream figure, contact Accurate Aesthetics by calling (877) 603-7874 toll-free.

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