Archive for January, 2014


Slower Eating and Tummy Tuck May Prevent Weight Gain

Tummy tuck and weight loss are two words most people string along together these days, but many are still unaware of the differences between the two. Just to clear the air, a tummy tuck does not induce weight loss among plastic surgery patients. Diet and exercise are key elements to help reduce a person’s weight and a tummy tuck can help resolve the issue of excess skin or fat that hinders the abdomen from returning to its normal shape.

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as tummy tuck, resolves multiple issues that most men and women suffer from following significant weight loss or pregnancy. Here are the three main benefits achieved with tummy tuck:

No More Loose Skin

Post-pregnant mothers, weight loss patients or men and women who worked their tails off at the gym consider their loose skin as the only thing stopping them from a toned torso. Poor skin tone mostly holds back people from wearing slim-fit jeans or a flattering top that attracts attention for the wrong reasons, unwanted loose skin. A tummy tuck can rightfully trim this skin from the torso to a slimmer proportion for the patient’s body type.

Redefined Abdominals

Mostly post-pregnant women have trouble with this issue, but many men who countered their weight issues suffer from loss of muscle tone in the abdomen. During pregnancy it is common for the woman’s abdominal muscles to become weakened or separated during pregnancy. Even men who struggled with excessive weight encounter stretched out abdominals. Sometimes exercise cannot settle the issue and can make matters worse if exercise is too intense on the weakened core. The procedure will carefully repair the weak muscles and engage the surrounding tissues to help them lie flat again.

Good Night Bulging Fat

Every person’s body has their own unique structure, including fat distribution. Most people who struggle with abdominal fat have an abundance of fat cells in either love handles, pooch under the belly button, or both. When patients consider tummy tuck for skin correction or muscle repair they also get to have these fat deposits removed.

Keeping the Weight Off

According to a study published in the Journal of Academy Nutrition and Dietetics, researchers from Texas Christian University reported that eating speed rather than calorie intake, may have more of an impact on hunger suppression. However, those who were at a healthy weight consumed 88 calories less than those who were obese or overweight who consumed an average of 58 less calories.

A tummy tuck requires an individual to engage in a healthier lifestyle that requires lifelong dieting and exercise. The study does show the effects of eating slowly to avoid hunger, but the number of calories consumed and the meal itself play an even more crucial role. Though people may consume food at a slower rate, it does not mean they can eat as much as they want, especially after a tummy tuck.

Long-lasting results may be held by many who commit to eating healthier and engaging in physical activity after recovering from a tummy tuck. If you are ready for a slimmer and toned stomach for the New Year then acquire the assistance of board certified plastic surgeon in Wellesley. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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