Archive for October, 2013


Five Foods for Beautiful Skin

New creams, ointments and treatments can all bring about the excitement of giving you the beautiful skin you desire, but the price for beautiful skin can be expensive for many of us. We all want to keep our skin in great shape, and everything discussed below is effective in enhancing the appearance of skin, so take a stroll through your local grocery store for a better diet, and foods for beautiful skin. Making healthy and cost effective choices is good for your body, so keep your skin firm and your bellies full by adding these five foods to your shopping cart forever.

Pumpkins Aren’t Just for Carving

Though pumpkin seeds make for a healthy fiber snack, the pulp of a pumpkin contains vitamin C, E and A to help cleanse the skin. The substance can be mixed with low vanilla yogurt, honey and pumpkin pie spice to be used as a facial cream. The remnants make for a tasty snack while you wait for the contents to settle in.

Strawberries for Anti-Aging

This fruit not only fulfills one of our servings in essential food groups, but it is packed with powerful vitamin C. Research shows that people who consume foods rich in vitamin C have fewer wrinkles and less age-related skin symptoms.

Mixing the berries together by themselves or with raspberries and blueberries can be used as a moisturizer for the face. Combine the ingredients with vanilla or yogurt and honey, stir together for a smoothie and facial mask.

According to WebMD, there are many uses for food as homemade beauty products, especially for people with sensitive skin. Strawberries can be used as a foot exfoliant to help remove rough and dead skin. Mix strawberries, salt and olive oil together in a bowl and apply to the rough patches on feet.

Soft Skin Comes from Olive Oil

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatories in olive oil help fight against a variety of disease agents the body is exposed to. Even better, it acts as a topical application to give smoother and more radiant skin. Dry skin users can apply this product regularly as a skin soother and lip gloss.

At the dinner table dip whole grain bread into a few tablespoons of olive oil and enhance your skin from the inside out. After your meal, it can be used to clear up rough patches on the heels and elbows.

Sweet Pleasures of Green Tea

Green tea is used as one of the toughest natural inflammation fighting antioxidants available. Drinking three cups a day can help prevent skin cancer, slow down signs of aging, as well as protect against heart disease.

For longer-lasting effects add a few ounces of citrus juice to boost the staying power of antioxidants in every cup. Place the tea bags in refrigerator and let it chill, then place them on the eyes for 10 minutes. The substance in the tea bags contains tannins which help reduce puffiness around the eyes.

Pomegranate Heaven

Last but not least from the antioxidant corner is the pomegranate. The fruit juice contains more anti-inflammatory substances than green tea itself, and scrubbing it on skin a few times a week removes dead skin cells.

Cut the pomegranate in sections and place in water for 10 minutes, strain the seeds, blend the sections and seeds along with oatmeal. Transfer the contents to a bowl, add honey and buttermilk and stir together. Apply to the face and rough patches, then rinse.

Remember your skin is hungry too. Feed it with some natural ingredients that can be found at any market. Synergistic skin care can also be used for people who are on the go and cannot spare the time to make their own treatments. Give your skin the healthy supplements that it needs to improve your body from the inside and out.

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