Archive for September, 2013


Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants

A woman who is in the stuck on deciding which breast implant is suitable for her often gets the support from her surgeon to make an informed decision. Experienced plastic surgeons encourage their breast augmentation patients to educate themselves about breast implant options and discover the differences and similarities between saline and silicone breast implants. Women want to know which implant is better, but in reality, what is better for one woman may not be better for another when it comes to breast implants. After research and consultation with a trusted plastic surgeon women often find that it is easier to make the right decision which leads to greater satisfaction following the procedure.

Breast implants are available in two forms for breast augmentation, saline or silicone. Each of these have the ability to increase volume, shape and size. These medical implants are utilized to achieve the aesthetic goals in desired breast volume or to reconstruct lost breast tissue after mastectomy. They both are cased with an outer shell made of silicone and they are both approved by the FDA. However, they both differ in consistency, appearance and touch.

Silicone implants were made available for breast augmentation up until being banned in 1992 for false assumptions of being harmful to the body upon leakage and rupture. After several long term studies proved that silicone implants were very safe they were approved once again by the FDA in 2006 and classified safe for cosmetic use. Silicone implants come pre-filled with cohesive silicone gel before placement. The common perception is that silicone implants have a feel that is closer to normal breast tissue which makes it a popular choice among women seeking a more natural feel to their breasts.

Saline implants are filled with a sterile saline solution that mimics the fluids generated in the human body. The silicone casing is empty until the surgeon places it in the breast and subsequently fills it with the solution.

Which Implants are Right for me?

Most women know they want bigger, beautiful breasts, but how big a certain implant will look on the body depends on more than just the size of the implant. The desired results and recommendations of the surgeon, will give the patient the ability to make an informed decision.

Silicone implants are touted as feeling and appearing more natural than saline implants. Women who have less breast tissue are expected to benefit from silicone more than saline, although this may not be true for all patients. Silicone implants are now more durable than they were previously manufactured.

Saline implants can be filled to any size the patient desires. Since the implant casing is empty, the incision made is smaller than it would be with silicone implants, making the incision scar easier to hide.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 72 percent of all breast implants in patients are silicone. This result stems from the return of silicone implants in 2006. The FDA stated that the new silicone implants are firmer and more stable than its previous generation which makes them more flexible with fewer risks.

What You Should Know About Breast Implants:

Women are in search of a procedure that leaves them with natural results in sight and touch. Saline implants will deflate upon tear and the solution is absorbed in the body. Silicone implants can rupture but the improved implants will not leak or pose a threat to surrounding tissue.

Though both implants can cause rippling of the overlaying skin, silicone implants are less likely to reveal rippling effects. Present day silicone implants have the lowest rate of scar tissue development. The silicone gel is also said to feel more natural as opposed to the firmness of saline.

Saline implants are known for their ability to correct symmetry issues better than silicone since they are able to be filled with more or less solution. The implant does not need a large incision for placement, so the scar is simpler to hide. If rupture occurs the patient or physician can detect it easily.

For more information on saline and silicone implants visit Dr. LoVerme in Boston. His offices are among the best and serve its faithful clientele with respect and determination. Put your worries to rest and discover which breast implants are suitable for you.

Aesthetician Hours Expanding!!


Fall special 20 % off skin services

Great news! Erin Bradford, our superb medical aesthetician, is coming back to work 4 days per week. Her son who was so sick is now better and she will be able to focus more on work again. On an alternating basis, every day of the week will be covered so we can assure you to have an available spot at your convenience. To ramp up her schedule we are offering 20% off on facials, photofacials, hair removal, microdermabrasion, peels, rosacea treatments and skin care consultations by the aesthetician. This goes for treatments completed by November 1st.
Book now to to begin reversing that summer skin damage!

Remember that we also offer Botox, Juvederm, Exilis Elite, Co2 laser and the full slate of cosmetic plastic surgery including breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, face and necklifts as well as liposuction and tummy tucks.

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