Boston Facelift Surgeon


Also Serving Wellesley & Sudbury Patients

No one has discovered the Fountain of Youth yet. However, by undergoing facelift surgery in Boston under the care of Dr. William E. LoVerme, you can look as though you did.

Boston FaceliftWhy Facelift Surgery Becomes Necessary

Over time, various factors, such as sun exposure, the effect of gravity, hereditary traits and certain lifestyle habits (e.g., smoking) can affect the skin’s tone and texture as well as the overall health of the skin.

In addition, as we age, the body gradually produces less and less collagen and elastin, proteins that are integral in preserving healthy skin. Without an ample supply of collagen and elastin, the skin loses its elastic quality and starts to sag. Fat is displaced, and muscle tone degenerates. The developments lead to visible signs of facial aging, including wrinkles, creases, deep folds, furrows, sunken pockets, sagging skin and jowls, among other aesthetic issues. Facelift is part of the Q2 facial rejuvenation system initiated by Dr. Loverme. This involves the concepts of Quantity (removing excess skin by facelift) and Quality (improving the skin health and replacing collagen and elastic fibers while improving the complexion). This Q2 system is the basis for all skin rejuvenation treatments at Accurate Aesthetics Plastic Surgery.

For individuals who feel youthful at heart but are bothered by noticeable signs of aging cropping up throughout the face, facelift surgery can be an effective solution. With facelift surgery, men and women in Boston, Wellesley and Sudbury can combat noticeable signs of facial aging, so they look as invigorated as they feel.

What Facelift Surgery Involves

Facelift surgery is a suspensory operation designed to raise the soft tissues of the face. With facelift surgery, Dr. LoVerme tightens loose skin, redistributes displaced fat and restores muscle tone.

The facial rejuvenation procedure can be performed alone, but it is often combined with another revitalizing procedure, such as neck lift, eyelid surgery or brow lift, to maximize the cosmetic benefits.

The Different Facelift Techniques

During consultation, Dr. LoVerme evaluates the patient’s skin health, including the degree of laxity, unique bone structure and other factors. Based on these considerations, the Boston facelift surgeon recommends an appropriate treatment protocol, including which facelift technique will best satisfy the patient’s anatomical and aesthetic needs. Dr. LoVerme has extensive expertise performing facelift surgery. Some of the techniques used are:

  • SMAS lift. This approach entails repositioning the skin and other facial tissues, eliminating excess skin as needed and repairing the underlying connective tissue layer, called the “superficial musculoaponeurotic system” (SMAS). This technique makes it easier for Dr. LoVerme to re-drape the skin over the jaw line, cheeks and neck area, thereby providing smoother contours without noticeable tension. The operation can be done either by SMAS elevation and resection or by SMAS imbrication. This is the technique most often performed by Dr. LoVerme. He will choose the right type for you.
  • Subperiosteal lift. The facial plastic surgeon performs this technique endoscopically, when medically suitable for the patient. (Endoscopic surgery involves the use of a long, thin surgical instrument with a camera on the end of it that transmits a video feed from inside the treatment area onto a screen in the operating room. This allows the surgeon to monitor the progress of surgery.) The subperiosteal lift involves vertically raising the facial soft tissues by separating them from the bony layer of the facial structure. Dr. LoVerme does not typically recommend this approach, however, as the results tend to look more natural and last longer when re-contouring and lifting the underlying structures together with the overlying tissues.
  • Deep plane facelift. Dr. LoVerme occasionally uses this technique to lift the skin, fat, muscles and other facial tissues in one continuous section, allowing the surgeon to reshape the entire face. However, most patients are able to achieve their facial rejuvenation goals with a less invasive surgical approach.

The Facelift Procedure

Facelift surgery can usually be performed on an outpatient basis, under general anesthesia.

The incision approach can vary by patient, based on the individual’s surgical goals, the complexity of his or her anatomical needs and the corresponding chosen facelift approach. During consultation, Dr. LoVerme recommends the incision approach that is most appropriate for the patient’s unique needs.

With the traditional approach to facelift surgery, Dr. LoVerme makes an incision that starts at the temple and extends around the ear, terminating either in back of the ear or in the scalp area. Once the incisions have been made, the facial plastic surgeon gently raises the skin flap to access the supporting tissues. He repairs the underlying tissue structures, restores muscle tone and redistributes any displaced fat, as necessary. Dr. LoVerme then re-drapes the skin, pulling it tight, and excises any excess skin. He uses sutures or skin adhesive to close the incisions, choosing the technique that best conceals them.

Combining Neck Lift With Facelift Surgery

Facelift Surgery In BostonAs mentioned above, facelift is often combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures for optimal surgical outcomes. Patients often choose to combine neck lift with facelift surgery, as an aging neck can look out of place with a rejuvenated facial appearance.

Neck lift surgery is an effective way to remove excess skin that hangs off the neck, displaced fat and / or horizontal neck “bands.” It is also an effective means of eliminating lax skin that hangs off the underside of the chin, sometimes colloquially referred to as a “turkey wattle.”

Dr. LoVerme offers two approaches to neck lift surgery: platysmaplasty and cervicoplasty. The former approach is used to repair or remove certain neck musculature to improve the look of horizontal bands across the neck.  The latter technique is designed to eliminate sagging neck skin, for a smoother neck contour.

For individuals with multiple signs of aging throughout the neck region, the surgeon may recommend both techniques. Dr. LoVerme may also suggest including liposuction in the rejuvenating procedure to remove unwanted fat from the neck area and optimize the aesthetic benefits of surgery.

The Neck Lift Procedure

If, during consultation, Dr. LoVerme and the patient chose to include liposuction as part of the neck lift procedure, the liposuction will be performed first.

To start neck lift surgery, the board-certified plastic surgeon makes an incision in the neck area. The length, position and pattern of the incision are again based on personal factors related to the patient’s anatomy and aesthetic goals. For example, the incisions used for platysmaplasty are usually positioned under the chin and behind the ears, allowing the surgeon to access the neck musculature. Dr. LoVerme may also place permanent internal sutures in the treatment area to secure the repaired tissues in place after the procedure. Dr. LoVerme may use an alternative incision approach and / or position when performing cervicoplasty, which, again, can be performed alone or in combination with platysmaplasty.

After Dr. LoVerme has made the incisions, he eliminates excess skin and adjusts the neck musculature, as needed.

Once he is satisfied with the new neck contour, he closes the incisions with sutures and dresses the treatment area with bandages.

Recovering From Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Patients recovering from facelift and / or neck lift surgery should expect to take about one to two weeks off from work or their normal schedule. Many of the postoperative symptoms will subside within the first week, but it generally takes about two weeks for any noticeable symptoms to become less visible.

During the first few days after surgery, individuals must keep their head elevated at all times, even while resting or sleeping. The treatment area may be tender or sore, but patients can take oral pain relievers as directed to help manage any discomfort. The treatment area may also be swollen and bruised. These are expected symptoms that should, again, improve within about a week. Dr. LoVerme will remove any non-dissolvable stitches during one of the follow-up appointments at Accurate Aesthetics, within about 10 days following surgery.

Depending on the patient’s lifestyle habits — such as smoking or sun tanning — genetic traits and previous facial surgical history, the aesthetic advantages of facelift surgery should last about five to 10 years.

What Does Facelift Surgery Cost?

The overall cost of facelift surgery differs by person, based on the complexity of the patient’s anatomical needs, the complexity of the chosen technique and whether another facial rejuvenation procedure is performed at the same time.

At Accurate Aesthetics, we want our patients to have all the pertinent information about their procedure before pursuing surgery. With this in mind, our quoted prices are comprehensive and include: the plastic surgeon’s fee, the cost of the operating room and the anesthesiologist’s fee. Our final fee also includes all before-and-after photos and all pre- and post-surgical physician care.

When inquiring about pricing, it is important to verify the costs that are covered in the final price quote, as some surgeons may quote a low price that does not include all the necessary fees, such as the operating facility fee.

Renew Your Look Today

If you would like to look like you have discovered the Fountain of Youth, or simply look as youthful as you feel at heart, contact us today to learn how you can renew your facial appearance.

To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. LoVerme to learn more about your facial rejuvenation treatment options, contact Accurate Aesthetics by calling (877) 603-7874 toll-free now.

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