Archive for November, 2014


Holiday Treats You Won’t Regret Come the New Year

Guilt-Free Holiday Recipes

With so many seasonal treats available during the holidays, it is easy to put on a few extra pounds without even realizing it until the holidays are over and it is time to get back to a regular routine. Perhaps that is why the No. 1 New Year’s resolution that people make is to lose weight. This year, Wellesley plastic surgeon Dr. William E. LoVerme shares some holidays treats that you can enjoy during this festive time of year — without regretting it come the New Year.

Chocolate Mousse With a Twist

Instead of indulging in sugary milk chocolate, you can get your chocolate fix with this delectable vegan chocolate-avocado mousse. The avocado gives this treat its richness, without having to use heavy cream, which is high in fat. You can use stevia, a natural sweetener, instead of sugar to keep the calorie count down. You can also mix in a few berries or nuts during the last step of the preparation process for added flavor and texture. Bon appétit!


1 large ripe avocado

¼ cup raw cocoa powder

¼ cup coconut or almond milk

2 tsp stevia (or alternative natural sweetener)

1 tsp natural vanilla extract


Puree the ripe avocado until it is smooth. Mix the cocoa powder and milk together until they are combined; add this to the avocado. Stir in the stevia and vanilla extract, and mix everything well. You can store the mousse in the fridge until you are ready to eat it.

Red, Red Wine

When consumed in moderation, red wine has health benefits. Red wine is a good source of flavonoids and resveratrol, antioxidants that fight the free radicals present in our bodies. Flavonoids and resveratrol have been shown to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and boost “good” HDL cholesterol levels in the blood, supporting cardiovascular health. In addition, some studies show that resveratrol protects cells from damage that could lead to cancer; however, additional research is needed on this subject.

The bottom line is that enjoying one glass of red wine a day may keep the doctor away. Therefore, you may want to reach for a glass of red wine instead of indulging in egg nog, which is high in calories and fat content.

No-Bake Rolled Oat Cookies

You do not even need to bake these delicious cookies that are a good source of fiber, which helps regulate digestion and keeps you feeling full longer.


2 ½ cups rolled oats

1/3 cup natural almond butter

3 tbsp honey

½ dark chocolate chips (with 70-percent or more cacao)


Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, and mix them thoroughly. Form the cookies, using a muffin tin as your mold. Put the muffin tin in the fridge and allow the mixture to set. Enjoy!

Need Help With Holiday Weight Gain?

If you did gain some weight this holiday season, don’t fret. Simply try to get back to your regular diet and fitness routine as soon as possible. If you have tried to diet and exercise but still have pesky “problem areas” plagued with stubborn fat, contact Dr. LoVerme for help. He offers several body contouring treatment options to help you look your best over the New Year.

To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. LoVerme to learn more about your body contouring treatment options, contact Accurate Aesthetics by calling (877) 603-7874.

Cosmetic Concerns by Age Group

Common Plastic Surgery Questions by AgeAt Accurate Aesthetics, Dr. William E. LoVerme treats a wide range of patients, ranging in age from about 16 to 75 years old. Although all Dr. LoVerme’s patients seek to address aesthetic concerns, they do not all share the same one(s). Here are the most popular elective cosmetic surgery (and nonsurgical) procedures by age group.


It is generally best that teenagers wait until they have stopped developing before pursuing cosmetic surgery. As a result, reputable plastic surgeons typically will not perform cosmetic surgery on teenagers.

There are two exceptions, however. Many plastic surgeons will perform otoplasty (ear surgery) on teens who are extremely embarrassed about this feature, especially if the patient is being teased or bullied for his or her appearance. Another cosmetic procedure that is sometimes offered to teenagers is rhinoplasty — but only if they have stopped developing. Dr. LoVerme meets with teenage patients considering rhinoplasty to decide on a case-by-case basis whether the procedure would be beneficial.


Individuals in their 20s do not generally have aging-related cosmetic concerns. Nonetheless, women in their 20s often request breast augmentation surgery. A woman’s breasts have typically stopped developing by her 20s, and thus the true size and shape of the breasts are revealed. Therefore, undergoing breast augmentation during one’s 20s might be beneficial — as long as the patient is pursuing the procedure of her own volition and for the right reasons.


Individuals in their 30s generally share one of two cosmetic concerns: Either they are frustrated with premature signs of facial aging or they have noticed that their figure has undergone dramatic changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For 30-something patients who are unhappy with noticeable signs of aging, Dr. LoVerme offers a range of nonsurgical cosmetic treatment options, as facial rejuvenation surgery is typically not needed at this age. Dr. LoVerme’s nonsurgical cosmetic treatment options include Exilis skin-tightening treatment for firmer skin as well as laser skin-resurfacing treatment to improve the look of fine lines, mild wrinkles and hyperpigmentation, providing more even skin tone and texture. We also start to use BOTOX and fillers such as Juvéderm for patients at this age.

For mothers in their 30s who are frustrated with the look of sagging breasts and loose abdominal skin and a lack of abdominal muscle tone, Dr. LoVerme offers mommy makeover surgery. Mommy makeover surgery is not simply one procedure but a combination of breast lift (with or without breast implants) and abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck” surgery) to address the common aesthetic concerns that many mothers have.


As we age, the body gradually produces less and less collagen and elastin, two proteins that are essential for healthy, supple skin. Without these proteins, the skin loses its elasticity and starts to sag. Muscle tone is lost, and fat is displaced. The result is sagging facial skin, wrinkles, deeper facial folds, hollow-looking areas of the face, jowls and more. These aesthetic concerns may be compounded by lifestyle habits, such as smoking or sunbathing without proper SPF protection, or by genetics.

For patients in their 40s who are starting to notice these visible signs of facial aging developing, Dr. LoVerme offers several types of facial rejuvenation surgery, including blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to remove excess skin and fat from the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both, for a rejuvenated look throughout the eye area. He also performs brow lift surgery to improve the look of horizontal forehead furrows. (For more complex facial aesthetic concerns, Dr. LoVerme might recommend facelift surgery or a combination of facial rejuvenation procedures.) Non-invasive treatments may still be an option for patients in this age group, such as Exilis skin-tightening treatment, IPL photofacials and dermal filler treatments. It is also necessary for patients at this age to maintain an excellent skin care program with medical-grade skin care products such as those offered exclusively by Accurate Aesthetics.


By the time individuals reach their 50s, noticeable signs of facial aging have become more pronounced. For these patients, facelift surgery is often an effective treatment option. Dr. LoVerme can also include neck lift surgery or nonsurgical skin-tightening treatment to optimize the rejuvenating effects of facial rejuvenation surgery.

To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. LoVerme to learn more about your cosmetic surgery treatment options, contact Accurate Aesthetics by calling (877) 603-7874.

How to Keep An Amazing Figure this Holiday Season

Boston liposuction


The holidays are just around the corner, are you prepared to be surrounded with delicious entrées and desserts? Family members bring in their special dishes in plentiful; these meals are delicious, but heavy on the calories. Boston Liposuction can help you get rid of excess skin and assist you with your weight loss goal before and after the holidays. These simple tips can help you enjoy the holiday meals and maintain your figure.

Don’t Go Shopping While Hungry

During the holidays, shoppers are running around the stores looking for the best deals on gifts and rushing to get everything done on time. It’s important to avoid skipping meals or opt for unhealthy snacks by stopping by Cinnabon and packing on excess carbs. Give yourself a break and enjoy a proper meal or bring healthy snacks with you.

Bring Your Own Dishes

There are plenty of ways you can cut back on the excess calories by merely bringing your own plate to your upcoming holiday parties. Create a healthy appetizer to put on the table, that way you will not be tempted to overload on empty calories before dinner.

Manage Your Portions

This can be the toughest part about the holidays, controlling your portions. With so many different delicious entrees in front of you, saying no is the hardest part. Before preparing your plate, take a look around at all your options this will keep you from overloading your plate with everything in sight. Always keep in mind that one of the best things about the holidays are the leftovers, so there is no need to overeat.

Keep Up with Your Exercise Routine

Continuing your exercise routine is extremely important to keep the weight off. During this time, many people neglect the gym and take a break. However, eating heavier meals and not following your exercise routine can lead to weight gain. If you are traveling, then go for a run or a walk after dinner. Try to engage in physical activities as much as you can. Be realistic and don’t try to lose weight, but work on maintaining your current weight.

After the holidays, many of us race to the gym to get rid of those unwanted pounds. When constant exercise refuses to target those troubled areas such as your hips, buttocks, or stomach area, a highly-skilled plastic surgeon you trust can help you eliminate these problems. Fill out our online form to schedule a consultation to learn how to get your body back.

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