Archive for July, 2014


Building a Dream Figure with a Body Lift

Boston Body Lift

Shedding the fat just in time for summer has never felt so good. However, you may still be left over with excess skin, stubborn fatty deposits and bulges of skin folds that are too embarrassing to reveal. Now that you have reached your new target weight by exercising or from Bariatric surgery, you still find yourself hiding in bulky clothing thanks to protruding layers of adipose tissue that are unresponsive to your weight loss efforts. With the assistance of a Wellesley board-certified plastic surgeon, he can help you address these problem areas with a body contouring solution, called the total body lift.

Body Lift in Time for Summer Fun

A total body lift in Boston is designed to reshape and contour a patient’s body to achieve a youthful figure. Many clients are former weight loss surgery patients whom have lost a substantial amount of weight and ended up with an unflattering amount of stretched muscles and loose skin in the abdomen, chest, hips, arms, and thighs. Simply by removing the excess skin from these target zones, a plastic surgeon can properly tighten and tone the appearance of the patient’s body. In many cases where stubborn fat exists, liposuction can be performed in conjunction with a body lift for the best toned figure.

Body Lifts Also Repair Mental Health

A significant amount of weight loss surgery patients have been hesitant to consider the likes of continued body contouring to remove stubborn skin creases. One study found that the cost barrier has a heavy impact on contemplating the procedure, but the benefits are far more beneficial than a tighter body. As per the study from Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, patients who had elected to undergo body contouring surgery experienced a decrease in anxiety and depression after achieving the trim body they desired. Researchers suggested that loose and baggy skin can negatively impact a person’s self-esteem even after weight loss surgery, but in conjunction with a body lift, a higher quality of life in a patient’s mental health can be remarkably achieved.

Long-lasting and near permanent results are only achievable if a patient is able to maintain a stable weight through engaging in a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, a patient who experiences fluctuations in weight may not find body contouring a valid solution to resolve their weight issues. The rule of thumb is that every patient should avoid gaining or losing more than 10 pounds after cosmetic surgery to avoid the recurrence of loose skin.

If you are dealing with side effects of loose and excess skin following massive weight loss surgery, then get evaluated for a body lift Boston and discover what weight loss patients are raving about. Consult with a body contouring surgeon to tone up your dream figure after weight loss.

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