Archive for May, 2015


How Long Do Non-Surgical Treatments Last?

eyelid 1Data from leading plastic surgery organizations shows that non-surgical cosmetic treatments are more popular than ever.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 13.9 million non-surgical procedures were performed in 2014. And, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery found that non-surgical cosmetic procedures are 520 percent more popular than they were in 1997.

Patients enjoy the incredible anti-aging and beautifying effects of treatment without incisions, anesthesia or the long recovery downtime typically associated with surgical procedures.

Dr. William LoVerme, who offers a wide range of non-surgical treatments at his Boston plastic surgery practice, is often asked about the longevity of non-surgical treatments. Here, he explains how long you can expect results of the most popular treatments to last.


Botox injections generally last three to six months. Dr. LoVerme recommends scheduling regular treatments to maintain the wrinkle-fighting and facial rejuvenation effects of Botox.


How long the results of dermal filler treatment last depends largely on the ingredients of the particular product.

Results of treatment with hyaluronic acid-based fillers, such as Restylane and Juvederm, typically last six to 12 months. And poly-l-lactic acid-based fillers can last up to two years before they eventually disintegrate and are absorbed by the body.

Juvederm Voluma XC is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler designed to plump up the cheek area. It lasts much longer than other hyaluronic acid-based fillers (up to two years) before repeat treatment is needed.

Hair Removal

Laser hair removal generally requires a series of treatments to achieve the desired result of smooth, hair-free skin. Dr. LoVerme and our team use the Palomar MediLux pulsed light system, which is similar to a laser in that it delivers an intense beam of light to destroy hair follicles in the desired area, thereby preventing the follicles from producing more hair. Our hair removal patients can enjoy permanent results, thanks to the MediLux system.

Exilis Radiofrequency Treatments

The results of the non-surgical skin lifting/tightening treatment appear gradually, as the body produces fresh new collagen. Maximum results appear around the three-month post-treatment mark, and can last several months to several years, depending on the aging process of the individual patient. In some cases, Exilis Elite can stave off the need for more invasive surgical rejuvenation treatment (e.g., facelift). Although the results may last up to two years we suggest that patients come back at one year intervals for touch up treatments.

If you would like to discuss your cosmetic concerns and treatment needs with Dr. LoVerme, please schedule a consultation at Accurate Aesthetics. Contact us today at (877) 603-7874 to make an appointment.

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