Archive for March, 2017


New Revolutionary Body Sculpting and Tightening Options

Wouldn’t you love to be able to choose a body part that has always bothered you, and watch as it contours and reshapes in a way you’ve always wanted? Unfortunately, diet and exercise takes a ton of time and money, rarely producing the results you want. Often times, no matter how much we diet and workout for hours and hours, our bodies are simply stubborn. They don’t change much at all. But what if you could melt the fat away, contour and shape your body in just a few months (so get started now for summer!) without surgery? (more…)

Skin Health Solutions – Promoting Healthy Skin

The skin is the largest and fastest growing organ.

Our skin protects us from the extremes of temperatures, damaging sunlight and harmful chemicals. Because our skin is such a vital organ, we need to take care of it and protect it. Good skin care begins with overall health, nutrition and protection from the sun. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day keeps the skin well hydrated, sunblock should be used daily year round, and moisture is an integral part of skin health. It is important to have a licensed medical skin care professional customize your regiment so you can achieve healthy skin in a safe and professional environment. At Accurate Aesthetics, we have only the best medical grade skin products available with the highest quality ingredients and team of professionals to assist you. (more…)

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