Archive for October, 2015


The Top 4 Reasons Why Men Pursue Plastic Surgery

Why men want plastic surgeryOne of the biggest recent trends in plastic surgery is the rise in male patients. According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly one in 10 plastic surgery patients in 2014 was a man. As with women, men’s cosmetic goals are as varied as the men themselves are. Some want to look younger, while others want to look fitter. Nearly all want to preserve the characteristics that make them look masculine and rugged.

Here, Dr. William LoVerme, a plastic surgeon at Accurate Aesthetics, shares the top four reasons why men seek out plastic surgery.

To Look Younger

The baby boomers are more active than ever before. Exercise, yoga and meditation keeps many middle-aged men feeling young at heart. However even men in the best shape and optimal health can see the effects of aging crop up around the face and body. Plastic surgery can help tweak a man’s physical attributes so they reflect his youthful spirit.

To Keep Up with the Workplace

Putting your best face forward is critical in a competitive job market saturated with qualified employees of all ages. Men in pursuit of a promotion or new job may find that cosmetic enhancement gives them the edge they need to feel confident and capable in the boardroom or at an interview.

To Minimize Signs of Stress

The rigors of life at home and at work can physically manifest around the face or body, in the form of wrinkles, dark circles and a little extra fat “padding.” Plastic surgery erases these reminders of a sleepless night or parental stress.

To Address a Lifelong Source of Embarrassment

Some men silently struggle for years because they are embarrassed or ashamed of a certain feature. Consider the man who feels embarrassed by a crooked nose, or the man that has oversized breasts and feels too self-conscious to take his shirt off at the pool or beach. Surgical correction restores a “normal” appearance to those features for greater self-image and confidence.

Learn More about Male Plastic Surgery with Dr. LoVerme

Dr. LoVerme encourages all men that want to look their best to schedule an appointment with him to discuss their specific needs. He can recommend a suitable plan of treatment based on what the patient wants to accomplish.

Today’s male patients have many treatment options from which to choose. In some cases, a non-surgical treatment such as Botox or dermal filler injections is enough to achieve the desired results. In other cases, a procedure such as facelift, eyelid surgery or liposuction is the more effective solution.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. LoVerme, please contact Accurate Aesthetics today at (877) 603-7874.

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