Archive for April, 2015


Tips to Rev Up Your Metabolism

shutterstock_100035593Anyone trying to slim down should understand the basics of their metabolism. This is the process by which the body processes food/beverage intake and converts it into energy. If you have a faster metabolism, you will naturally burn more calories with less effort. If you have a slow metabolism, you might struggle with weight loss efforts.

While metabolism is mostly pre-set, determined by your biological makeup, there are things you can do to work with your metabolism and burn more calories for better weight loss results. Just ask John Berardi, Ph.D., C.S.C.S., who wrote The Metabolism Advantage. “You have a huge amount of control over your metabolic rate,” he says.

Here are a few tips to rev up your metabolism:

Eat a Substantial Breakfast

Skipping breakfast sends your body into starvation mode and slows your metabolism to conserve energy. According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, people that ate 22 to 55 percent of the total calories at breakfast gained less weight on average over a four year-period than those who ate 0 to 11 percent of their calories at breakfast.

Incorporate Intervals into Your Workout

Increasing the intensity of your workout for short intervals is an excellent way to make your body burn calories faster. Pick up the pace for 30-60 second increments during your next run, swim or walk. Alternate your regular pace with 30-60 second bursts of high intensity work (increase your incline or pace).

Lift Weights

Muscle uses more energy than fat. A pound of muscle will burn more calories during workouts and downtime than a pound of fat, so it’s essential to build muscle mass. If you don’t currently lift weights, incorporate some strength training into your routine. Use a resistance band, kettlebell or hand weights a few time a week, and start seeing results.

Enjoy Your Coffee

A study published in the Physiology & Behavior journal found that caffeinated-coffee drinkers had a 16 percent higher average metabolic rate than decaf drinkers. The caffeine increases your heart rate and breathing, stimulating your central nervous system. Just don’t overdo it!

Avoid Excessive Drinking

According to an article in Redbook, drinking in excess can adversely affect your metabolism. (Hangovers can also lead to poor dietary choices!) Practice moderation when drinking and mix in glasses of water between alcoholic drinks.

Practice Stress Management

Feeling stressed spikes your cortisol levels, which causes the body to hang on to fat. Lower your stress levels with your desired method — reading, meditating, taking a yoga class or watching funny YouTube video clips.

Are Diet and Exercise Efforts Not Giving You the Body You Want?

If your natural attempts to sculpt your body simply aren’t working, have you considered plastic surgery? Dr. William LoVerme of Accurate Aesthetics offers a range of body sculpting procedures for a tighter and more toned looking physique. Liposuction and tummy tuck are popular options.

Schedule a personal consultation with Dr. LoVerme to develop a customized treatment plan for your specific needs. Contact us today at (877) 603-7874 to make an appointment.

What to Do – and What Not to Do – to Optimize Your Surgical Results

iStock_000005966711XSmallWhen you produce results as spectacular as Dr. William E. LoVerme does, it is understandable that your patients want to maintain the outcomes for years to come. Dr. LoVerme is frequently asked by patients how to enjoy a rejuvenated face, sculpted body or enhanced breasts for as long as possible.

In this blog post, Dr. LoVerme shares some helpful do’s and don’ts to optimize plastic surgery results and stave off the inevitable effects of aging.

Do: Follow Dr. LoVerme’s Post-Op Instructions

The first step to long-lasting results is a smooth recovery. Dr. LoVerme and his team will provide you with detailed recovery care instructions, which include wearing supportive garments, taking (and refraining from) certain medications, using ice to control swelling and limiting physical activity. The doctor will also specify when to return to the office for post-op visits so he can check your healing progress and keep an eye out for any potential problems.

Do: Properly Care for the Incision Site/Treated Skin

In the packet of post-op instructions, Dr. LoVerme specifies exactly how and when to clean the surgical incision and treated area, as well as behaviors to avoid (e.g., picking or peeling the skin). These instructions promote a healthy healing process and set the stage for optimal results.

Do: Use Recommended Skincare Products

If you had facial plastic surgery, certain medical grade skincare products will nurture the skin as it heals, and extend the results of the procedure. Dr. LoVerme’s team can customize a skincare regimen, including cleansing and moisturizing products, designed specifically for your unique needs.

Do: Hydrate

Want to preserve your glowing, radiant skin? Staying properly hydrated is important to the health, vitality and elasticity of your skin (as well as your overall health). Drink water and avoid excess alcohol, which can dehydrate and prematurely age you.

Don’t: Sit in the Sun

The sun’s rays can darken your incision scars, harm your skin and accelerate the aging process. If you plan to be outdoors in the sun for a prolonged period of time, wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.

Don’t: Smoke

Smoking slows your body’s healing process down and speeds up the aging process! If you value a youthful appearance and long-lasting facial rejuvenation results, avoid smoking altogether.

Don’t: Dramatically Fluctuate in Weight

If you’ve had body sculpting surgery, it is important that you stay close to your current weight after recovering. Dramatic weight fluctuation could compromise or even cancel out your results. It is especially important for tummy tuck patients to avoid future pregnancies if possible, which could stretch out newly repaired abdominal muscles and skin.

Contact Accurate Aesthetics Today

If you have any questions about these do’s and don’ts, please contact Dr. LoVerme at Accurate Aesthetics today by calling (877) 603-7874.

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