Archive for June, 2013


5 Tips for Tummy Tuck Recovery


When a patient has a surgical procedure such as abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery, there are several tips and guidelines to follow to optimize healing time.

  • Take Care of the Incision

The incision area can be numb and have no feeling at all.  The incision site must be taken care of though.  With any major surgery, the site must be kept clean and sanitary to avoid infections.

  • Wear a Compressing Garment

The tummy muscles are not strong enough to keep everything in place at this point.  Right after surgery, and for a while, the muscles are limp and loose.  A compressing garment will help the muscles do their job.  The compressing garment also helps keep down the swelling.

  • Elevate

Make sure the feet and legs are elevated.  This will help with circulation to the tummy tuck area and it will keep the swelling down. Resting in this elevated position is recommended because it will speed up the healing process.

  • Limit Physical Activity

The tummy tuck area will be sore not only to touch underneath the incision area.  This means the muscles are not ready for physical activity just yet.  While walking does keep the circulation flowing to the legs and helps heal faster, the amount of physical activity must be kept to the bare minimum, as rigorous activity could cause the patient to tear the incision area or strain the healing muscles.

  • Eat Right

In all cases of major surgery, eating healthy is a great way to help your body heal.  When the body has enough nutrients, it can not only speed up recovery, but also make recovery less painful.  During the rest period, the patient should avoid certain medications and alcohol.

The patient should follow all of the instructions given to him or her by the doctor.  The most important tip is to rest.  The body can heal on its own if it has enough rest and relaxation.


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