
Holiday Parties – Three Ways to Look Your Best

Winter is coming. Yes, it’s hard to believe, but the holidays are creeping up on us once again. And for many people, that means days and nights will be filled to the brim with work functions, social gatherings and family parties for weeks on end. We want to look and feel our absolute best for all these events. That dress or suit you’ve been eyeing online or in the store will feel so much better on when your body and skin have never looked better. 

At Accurate Aesthetics, we offer three simple ways to help both women and men achieve their goals when it comes to physical appearance. Our in-office “lunchtime treatments”, at Home Skin Care products, and IPL Photofacial are simple, quick procedures that are perfect for all of your upcoming holiday get-togethers.

Our aptly named “lunchtime treatments” include Botox, fillers, and non-surgical fat removal. These are quick in-office procedures with no downtime, so they allow you to easily come into our office during your lunch break and leave feeling like a different person. With our Botox cosmetic treatment, we can help you quickly smooth out your bothersome wrinkles, such as crow’s feet and frown lines, with long-lasting, youthful results. Our non-surgical procedures, such as BTL Vanquish ME™ and BTL Exilis Ultra™ can help you achieve the physique you been striving for to no avail, either by working out or dieting. These procedures eliminate fat cells without the need for invasive surgery. BTL Exilis Ultra™ simultaneously transmits radio frequency and ultrasound energies to stimulate collagen, thus tightening the skin and helping to melt some fat away while Vanquish ME contours the body, creating a slimmer and tighter physique. Vanquish ME is easier than Cool Sculpt and can help you lose 2-4 inches. With these non-invasive body contouring procedures, there is no anesthesia, no injections and no incisions necessary. Typically, just four treatment sessions within 4-6 weeks are recommended. Treatment areas include the face, arms, neck, abdomen and lower back, hands, buttocks and legs. The treatments leave you with very minimal side effects and no downtime.

We are also proud to offer our professional home skin care techniques, which are medical grade products and treatments which Dr. LoVerme has created. We know that a great skin care program is essential to looking and feeling your best. With the alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin A products, antioxidants, moisturizers and sunblock, our skin care products offer you the best techniques for healthy and glowing skin this holiday season and all year round.

Lastly, we offer the popular treatment of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial. If you have irregular spots caused by sun damage, either on your face, hands, shoulders, back or arms, we can help you remove them. Sunspots are a cosmetic issue that we can fix right in our office. The IPL Photofacial is a non-ultra violet light that leaves you with clear, youthful and more vibrant skin. While IPL removes unwanted and unsightly sun spots, it additionally stimulates collagen, reduces redness and brightens skin.

These treatments all can help you feel and look your best in time for the holidays. Call our office today at 781-263-0011 to schedule a consultation.

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